When you begin payment card processing, you must first select a merchant account provider to integrate with your online store. There are several areas to consider before making your final choice, since each payment card processor:
- Charges varying monthly, set-up and cancellation fees
- Offers different types of virtual terminal and payment gateway software
- Provides different levels of customer service to deal with any problems that may arise
Card Payment Processing Fees
Be sure to “read the fine print” of any merchant account agreement you enter into before you sign on the dotted line. Every merchant account provider charges associated fees to process the payments through your online store, but some can be excessive. Do your homework, or you could even be facing cancellation fees totaling hundreds of dollars if you opt to make a switch to another payment card processor.
Software for Processing Card Payments
Make sure the payment card processing provider you choose offers software that is compatible with your online shopping cart. A First Data online card payment processing account will allow you to integrate payment functionality into your shopping cart, as well as create a customized integrated checkout and payment page on your website. Simply choose between two payment gateways, First Data Global Gateway or Authorize.net Gateway. For high risk merchants we have gateway support HRMP and EMS.
Payment Card Processor Customer Service
There’s nothing worse than signing up for a new online service that’s confusing or difficult to navigate. Once your account is live on the First Data System, we provide you with free telephone training and assistance to ensure you’ll be processing card payments in no time.
Don’t know which payment gateway for online card processing is right for your business? We can help. Contact us today.